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Statue of Lord Ganesha with a garland of flowers


Yoga, a thousand-year old science, is
an efficient response to the problems of our time


We teach Iyengar yoga which is based on the study of asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques). Both traditional and modern Iyengar yoga is accessible to all, irrespective of age or physical condition.


This method emphasises alignment of the body, precision, intensity of movement and duration of the āsanas.


B.K.S. Iyengar also developed the use of props (belts, bricks, blankets etc) in order to enable a heightened understanding of the postures and to make it possible for practitioners to carry out the postures even if the body is not yet ready (for example in terms of strength and/or flexibility).


The Iyengar method is progressive and structured.

The practitioner progresses gradually, fully confident that he/she will not become injured. The practitioner will develop both strength and flexibility but also enhanced self-awareness and concentration.


Classes end with deep relaxation which results in finishing the practice feeling refreshed.

The practitioner leaves the class with a sense of having exercised his/her body, but also of feeling less tired and recharged.

Week by week, the positive effects of the practice can be felt more strongly, bringing both increased energy and a sense of serenity each day, as well as enabling practitioners to be better able to deal with life’s challenges.


Both traditional and modern, Iyengar yoga is accessible to all, irrespective of age or physical condition.
The learning is progressive and evolving
New to Iyengar yoga?

Perfect for newcomers and

those with no experience of the Iyengar method.

Students are introduced to asanas (postures), which build strength and stamina and improve flexibility. 

Tuesday 12:15 AM

Wednesday 6:30 PM

Saturday 11:00 AM

Back Care

Open to all

Recommended for people whith back pain who may not be able to follow a regular class.


Sequences will focus on :
- reducing pain,

- re-building strength of the back

- learning the use of props to adapt the asanas in relation to what is needed.

Monday 8 PM


Open to all

Recommended for people who feel tired, seniors, after injury or disease and women after childbirth.

The focus is on relaxation of the body and mind, following the principles of alignment, precision and duration of holding the postures which are central to Iyengar yoga.


Friday 6 PM

Healthy Aging

Open to all

Rythm and sequence are adapted to seniors.

Week by week, you will feel the positive effects of the practice which will bring you more strength, energy and an increasing sense of well-being. As a result you will be better equipped to face life's challenges.

Thursday 3:30 PM

Willing to evolve in your practice?
Beginner / Intermediate

Open to students who have completed Beginner level.

Students will be expected to be able to practice Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) and previous asanas from Level Beginner.

Tuesday 6:30 PM

Wednesday 12:15 AM

Saturday 12:30 AM


Students are expected to be able to do Sirsasana (Head stand), Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) and all asanas from previous levels.


More advanced asanas are introduced as well as some simple pranayama (breathing techniques).


Monday 6:15 PM

Thursday 6:30 PM

Friday 12:15 AM

Intermediate / Advanced

Established practice of Salamba Sarvangasana, Sirsasana and all poses from previous levels is required.

The practice will be more demanding than at the intermediate level.

Introductory and intermediate asanas are studied in more detail.

Students can attend this level after completing three years of regular asana practice  with a certified Iyengar Teacher

Wednesday 8 PM


This class is for longstanding students of Iyengar yoga who want to deepen their practice and evolve toward advanced asanas.

Self-practice and attendance to 1 or 2 other classes a week are recommended


Saturday 9:00 AM


Workshops & Events

Workshops and Special Series enhance your experience.

They offer a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of various aspects of yoga – from asanas to props, philosophy and more..

Need help or want to learn more before joining one of our classes ?

Before you come to the class 

Read our recommendations for a safe and enjoyable practice

BKS Iyengar performing Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog pose)

B.K.S. Iyengar

Yogacharia B.K.S. Iyengar was born on 14 December 1918 in Bellur (Karnataka-India) and passed away on 20 August 2014 in Pune (Maharastra-India).


He discovered yoga through his master and brother-in-law Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya with whom he studied in Mysore.

In 1966, B.K.S. Iyengar published Yoga Dipika, Light on Yoga. This book is a reference book, sometimes referred to as the ‘bible of yoga’, and has been translated into, at least, 19 languages.

May the light he showed us continue to help us through our journey of yoga..!

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